How To Enable Square Loyalty In Your Mobile Ordering App

The Orda Blog
3 min readApr 11, 2021

Square Loyalty will be an important part of your growth when you build your mobile ordering app in Orda.

Your customers will be able to log in to or join your loyalty program. They will redeem your loyalty rewards.

In this guide, we will review why Square Loyalty is a must for your mobile ordering app. Then we will review how to enable Square Loyalty.

Why is Square Loyalty a must for your mobile ordering app?

  1. Automatic Marketing: When customers opt in to your Square Loyalty program with their phone number, they get an SMS to download your mobile ordering app. This is an effective way to get your app on customers’ phones so they see your brand every day.
  2. Collect Customer Data: Customers join your Square Loyalty program during their first mobile order if they have not done so yet. This gives you important contact data for your marketing.
  3. Customers Want Rewards: Customers love to get rewards, and are 92% likelier to reorder more often from a business that has a loyalty program.
  4. Seamless Integration With Orda: Once you set up your Square Loyalty, it is automatically integrated to Orda without any effort from you.

How To Set Up Square Loyalty?

Go to to set up your Square Loyalty program.

Here is the Square Loyalty FAQ:

Customers will then be able to join your program in your Square POS during checkout.

Customers will also be able to redeem the rewards you set up in your Square POS.

What Happens In My Orda Mobile Ordering App After Square Loyalty Setup?

After setting up Square Loyalty, your rewards will automatically show in your Orda Dashboard under Loyalty.

Your customers will join or log in to your Square Loyalty program when they download your mobile ordering app.

Your customers will be able to redeem rewards in your mobile ordering app!

Now that your loyalty program is set up, the next step is create your mobile app marketing strategy.

